The Birth Doula Package ($1500)

An initial consultation:

Where we go over how you imagine your birth and what your birth preferences are and what you're looking for in me as your doula and how you'd like to be supported.

Two prenatal visits

We go over all the coping techniques and see what feels comfortable and what doesn't for you, if you have a partner or other support person it would be preferable that they attend so we can practice together, but it's not necessary. We'll also create your birth plan.

Labor and birth

There's no time limit, I'll meet you wherever and whenever you need me. We work together to do everything we can to help you have the best birthing experience possible. I provide flameless candles, string lights, essential oils for a relaxing ambiance and if you would like I'll take photos throughout your journey. I stay about an hour after your baby is born for the first latch if you're planning on breastfeeding and help you get settled in before I leave.

1 postpartum visit

I come by either the first or second week (whichever you prefer) to check in and see how everyone is settling in and how you're feeling, answer any questions or concerns, go over your birth and how you remember it (if you're ready,) and I bring you a meal because food is important. I also check in via text once a week until 6 weeks postpartum.